

I published my first book in October and the newness of it all leaves me with mixed emotions. I planned as many signings and readings as possible with one cancellation due to my mom’s illness. One thing about releasing a Christmas picture book is shipping can be...

New Perspective

Mom’s dementia recently plummeted into what seems a new phase, and I was overwhelmed. She no longer communicates adequately, she is forgetting how to walk, sense bathroom needs, etc. Eating and taking medicine is still doable, but in the progression, these skills will...

God is Faithful

2023 is ending and I have much to reflect upon. God has moved mightily in our lives this year. My year in review gives me much to record. First God’s goodness, mercy, and grace far exceed what I deserve. New commitments have stretched my faith and trust in my Lord to...

Bed of Stone

Hay is for horses and cows and mules and more! Livestock animals eat grass, legumes, or other herbaceous plants for daily sustenance. This fodder has changed through the years, but harvesting hay dates as far back as the mid-1800s. Straw dates back to Exodus when the...

The Star

There has been much discussion surrounding the Star of Bethlehem. A nova, a comet, or perhaps not a star at all, but a symbol of the light of the world are some intellectual conclusions. Let’s look at God’s word in Matthew chapter two. Wise men came from the east to...

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