Fodder from Our Savior

Nov 24, 2023 | Christian Living | 4 comments

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Stock animals’ fodder is dried hay or feed. There’s a variety such as hay, straw, silage, compressed and pelleted feeds, oils and mixed rations, sprouted grains, and legumes. All this is made from grown greens processed a bit differently. Nonetheless, livestock thrive and live from this basic food source.

We have a basic food source which is Jesus Christ. He broke the bread with his disciples telling them to eat. This was symbolic of His broken body which would be the only sacrifice to suffice the human soul.

I know a lady who searched for satisfaction through relationships with men and alcohol. She did not find true sustenance until she tasted of the bread of life Jesus Christ. Her life is now fulfilled as she lives daily seeking her Savior.

Another lady I know lived in a state of sin gripped by the need to make money through illicit means. Years of heartache and disappointment landed her in a jail cell where we met. She was born again three years ago and her life is forever changed. She now daily eats manna from her Savior while living a legitimate life.

My Mom lived a life of struggle, heartache, and disappointment. Material means were scarce, so she lived in shacks and cooked from scratch. I remember when she partook of Jesus. Her new life was lived before me as she cleaned our home, washed clothes with a ringer washer, and grew her garden. After Mom’s conversion,  new joy erupted which proved her soul’s needs were met by her new Savior.

Jesus feeds us from His Word. The theme of the Bible is Jesus from creation to completion. Each day we may glean spiritual food from various passages, but there is only one source to satisfy our soul. Like hay is the main source of fodder for livestock, Jesus is the bread of life and the main source of soul satisfaction.

And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

John 6:35



  1. Candyce Carden

    Jesus is indeed the bread of life. A good reminder during a week when many of our thoughts are consumed with food. Hope your Thanksgiving was special!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Our thanksgiving was wonderful as I’m sure yours was too!

  2. Katherine Pasour

    Thank you for sharing such an inspiring and personal message, Lisa. Your mother is a living example of how Jesus fills the empty places in our lives. What an inspriation she is for your family and for us as you share about her journey. Jesus is our bread of life and until we find Him, we are empty of the nourishment He provides. I’ve experienced that emptiness and I’m so grateful He didn’t give up on me.

    • Lisa Robbins

      I’d certainly be empty without my Lord. I’m thankful for my sweet mother who lived a changed life after her conversion. God is good.


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