Blessings on Purpose

Nov 3, 2023 | Blessings | 6 comments

A camel blanket was up for auction and I needed it. My new picture book was to be released in October and my illustrated camel donned a colorful blanket. There’s nothing like a prop to promote. I missed the bid, so I contacted the winner of the bid. Thankfully, Danny Hall is a generous man and I’ve borrowed a cool prop!

I’m amazed that such an unusual item would become available in my home town. God dropped me a prop of purpose because he loves me and is confirming my willingness to obey his call to publish. I’ve failed so many times in my life and I don’t deserve God’s goodness, but I’m publicly pronouncing my thankfulness.

We find a woman in the Bible who obeyed and was blessed in an unlikely way. Ruth left her homeland of Moab with her mother-in-law Naomi. She committed to making Naomi’s God her God and followed her back to Bethlehem.

Ruth was willing to work and did so gleaning the leftover wheat in the field of Naomi’s kinsmen redeemer Boaz. Boaz noticed Ruth and instructed her to continue gleaning in his fields where she would be safe as he provided her with water, food, and more. He instructed his men to leave Ruth handfuls of purpose-wheat thrown on the ground to bless her and Naomi. She gleaned and beat a bushel of barley and took it to her mother-in-law who recognized God’s bountiful blessings given by Boaz her kinsmen redeemer.

Ruth continued following the commands of Noami and found favor at the feet of Boaz, who bestowed more barley blessings. There was one kinsman redeemer closer than Boaz. Being an upright man, Boaz handled the matter publicly, with witnesses, leaving no room for deception. The closer kinsmen relinquished his right to marry Ruth. Boaz married Ruth who became the great, great-grandmother of King David and was placed into the lineage of Christ.   

Obedience is blessed. God saw Ruth’s obedience in Bible times and He sees our obedience today.  He can send a wealthy landowner to protect and provide or He can send a vintage camel blanket to a small rural town to confirm his blessings. Obey and God will send you bountiful blessings on purpose. 

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

Ephesians 1:3



  1. Katherine Pasour

    The story of Ruth is one of my favorites. As you point out, she is a wonderful role model for obedience. She also exemplifies loyalty and love. So glad you’re able to use the camel quilt. Sending prayers and good wishes as you launch your book.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thank you Katherine. I used the blanket in my book trailer. It’s so heavy I can’t use it as a prop at my signings.

  2. Angela Scheffel Garvin

    I’m SO GLAD Your God blessed you in a specific and God-confirming way!!

    • Lisa Robbins

      God is so good. I’m still rejoicing over your BOOK LAUNCH!

  3. Candyce Carden

    I love that you have a heart that sees the colorful blanket as a gift from God. Many miss the blessings God provides because they don’t see Him in the daily circumstances of life, chalking His gifts up to luck or good fortune.

    Love the book, by the way!

    • Lisa Robbins

      That was clearly a blessing because it came from an unlikely source. Glad you love the book. Thank you for purchasisng and leaving a review. When you publish you devotional I’ll return the blessing.


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