New Chapter

Jan 26, 2024 | Christian Living | 0 comments

Some ask God for a new word to live by each year. I’ve never made this a practice, but God has given me a new chapter to live by which is Psalm 26.

Psalmist David asked God to judge Him. David knew he needed God’s judgment to walk in integrity and trust to keep from sliding. He asked to be examined and proven. Desiring God to try his reins, or innermost parts, and his heart, David acknowledged God’s lovingkindness and the need to walk in truth.

David refrained from sitting with vain persons and dissemblers. He hated the congregation of evil-doers and refused to fellowship with the wicked. He washed his hands to be innocent and able to compass God’s altar. David published with the voice of thanksgiving and told of God’s wondrous works. He loved to be in God’s house where God’s honor dwelled.

Gathering his soul with sinners was not a practice for David nor was mingling with bloody men. Men who operated in mischief and bribes were not associates of David. He determined his feet stand in an even place in the congregation where he would bless the Lord.

Judgment isn’t the most likable aspect of the Christian life but it is necessary. When we allow God to judge and examine us from deep within then we will not slide. God judges with love and truth which is beneficial to keep our souls in line with God’s ways. We, like David, must be aware of the company we keep. Fellowship with vain, dissemblers, evil-doers, and wicked people profit us nothing. Constant cleansing is required to worship God. Our voices can then publish our thankfulness and tell of God’s wondrous works. Being in God’s house is a way to honor Him.

Loving sinners is necessary but gathering with them is not. We best mind where we mingle to avoid falling. Mischievous bribers are not to be trusted as we determine to stand in even places with our Savior. Congregating to bless the Lord is a good practice for believers.

2024 is a new chapter for each of us. May we desire to publish with the voice of thanksgiving, therefore let’s ask for God’s judgment as He examines our innermost being and our heart’s intent. God will judge us righteously with love and truth. And He calls us to a particular fellowship for a reason.

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteouness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

2 Corinthians 6:14



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