Navigating the New

Jan 19, 2024 | Christian Living | 0 comments

Mom is declining and a new publishing journey is beginning. What is unknown for 2024 is known and preplanned by my Savior Jesus Christ who bids me to follow Him. I have his Spirit as I navigate the new.

Peter, a chosen apostle of Jesus Christ, struggled with navigating his new life as he followed His Savior. He vowed to never forsake Jesus yet he did so three times. The rooster crowed sounding the alarm of Peter’s broken promise. Jesus died without Peter by his side.

Peter and the other fearful disciples assembled. Mary brought news that Jesus was no longer dead but alive. Peter and the other disciples doubted until their risen Savior appeared. Jesus spoke peace and gave them the Holy Ghost.

Peter soon returned to his occupation as a fisherman. The other disciples followed, but the endeavor was unfruitful. They didn’t catch any fish. Jesus appeared the next morning asking, “Children have ye any meat?” With their reply of “no” Jesus instructed them to “Cast the net on the right side of the ship,”. Obedience brought a bountiful supply. The fish were so plentiful it took all the men to drag the nets to land.

Peter drew the full, unbroken net to shore. Jesus then invited the disciples to come and dine. After they ate their bread and fish, Jesus conversed with Peter. “Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? Peter replied, “Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee.” Jesus replied, “Feed my lambs.” Peter was grieved when Jesus repeated this question two more times. Jesus foreshadowed Peter’s death and commanded, “Follow me.”

Like Peter, I have failed Jesus many times in my life. With a command to follow I still tend to fall back into my worldly ways. I need a constant reminder to love my Lord and feed His sheep rather than fish for the material things of this world. The command to follow Jesus is doable, with His peace and the Holy Ghost, when navigating the new.

And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

Mark 8:34





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