Spiritual Trampling

Nov 17, 2023 | Christian Living | 4 comments

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Eyes wide and ears back, with a side-ways stance, are signs of an agitated cow. Cows may kick or use their head to throw a person in the air which can cause detrimental damage. Even calm cows might trample people and other animals when fighting amongst themselves.

It is not very complimentary to compare people to animals, yet our behavior can be so unsavory. With a defensive stance of the heart, we can be easily agitated when provoked or in times of disagreement with others. We may not literally kick or throw others in the air, but I’ve seen some spiritual trampling when the fighting starts among believers.

From carpet color to paint color, these decisions can evoke the first verbal punch. Talebearers, who have not learned discretion, often cause deep wounds to others. Defaming a person can cause great harm to their spiritual and emotional well-being.

Ladies, we can easily get caught up in drama, telling tales, or listening to tales about others’ affairs. This leads to confusion and inflicts pain upon other parties. Feeling the need to help may put us in the middle which causes more confusion. It’s best to stay quiet and pray.

Petty differences can be resolved with prayer, love, and examining our own selves to see if there is a beam in our eye while looking at the splinter in our sister’s eye. Too often we are like the agitated cow, eyes wide and ears back with a side-ways stance.

Ladies, believe me, I speak to myself more than to you. Let’s let down our defenses and fellowship with one another while speaking the truth in love rather than talking tales behind others’ backs.  

The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.

Proverbs 18:8






  1. Candyce Carden

    I’m surprised by how many sisters in Christ seem to enjoy gossiping. As I wrote this judgmental statement, I was convicted. While I work hard not to spread tales, my ears do perk up when I hear it. I’m sure I can find a better response. Staying quiet is not a problem, but your suggestion to pray is excellent and will right my deceptive heart.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Candace, I think we ALL need this reminder. We often forget the damage caused by the tongue.

  2. Ally Compton

    Thank you for this devotion, Lisa! It is hard when we get in a mix up with our flesh and drama in this world. If we could all get our eyes fixed on Christ, what a different attitude and love we would have toward one another!

    • Lisa Robbins

      I agree, eyes fixed on Jesus! It’s so sad how we can damage each other over matters that don’t matter rather than loving each other along the way. Life is difficult and we need each others love and support.


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