Tough Times

Oct 27, 2023 | Christian Living | 6 comments

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Stomping can be a behavior exhibited by the male sheep, but it’s not a desirable trait for us humans to mimic. Rams are also known to be aggressive when threatened and can cause harm to a perceived enemy. That’s a trait that might, at times, be necessary for humans if aimed at our enemy.

Under the leadership and authority of my former pastor, the late Bro. Don Hinds, I taught a children’s ministry. He gave me some much-needed advice. “Lisa in order to do this you’ll need to have a tough hide and a tender heart.” I’ve found this to be true throughout the eight years of that ministry and the past fourteen years of women’s jail ministry.

I’ve experienced judgment by fellow believers, wrestled with unforeseen temptation, struggled with marriage and parenting issues, dealt with my failures and sins, and fought battles brought by the enemy. As a woman of God, I desire to love and exhibit feminine tender traits while at the same time taking a tough stance against the enemy. The balance is a challenge.

I never want to be a woman God does not permit me to be. Titus chapter 2 instructs women to teach younger women and children. I strive to stay under the umbrella of Scripture.

I’m not permitted to teach men, lead men, or assert authority over any man as stated in I Timothy 2:12. Clearly, men are called to preach and pastor as instructed in I Timothy 3:2 they are to be the husband of one wife. That instruction eliminates women. I’m fearful and careful as I navigate God’s calling on my life.

I love to write and teach God’s truth to children and women. Nothing brings me greater joy and peace than serving my Savior in this manner. Sharing God’s truth for His glory is an honor and a blessing that I don’t take lightly.

Sometimes this work requires a tough stance while dealing with the enemy’s lies and accusations. I’m thankful for Godly men who preach the truth that keeps me in check. My husband is forward and ever-ready to let me know if I overstep my biblical boundaries. Lifelong female friends, who share my beliefs, sharpen me with Godly words of counsel and wisdom.     

Stomping like a spoiled child is not behavior I desire to exhibit but stomping on the enemy is necessary. Aggression is not a favorable female trait unless directed toward Satan. I have no space to be passive toward his evil plans. Ladies, we are living in tough times, so let’s submit to God’s truth while aggressively resisting our enemy.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

James 4:7


  1. Candyce

    Powerful message here. A woman’s ministry does call for balanced tenderness and strength. Thankfully God will equip us to navigate what He calls us to do.

    • Lisa Robbins

      I still struggle to stay tender when under a heavy load. Thank God he equips and navigates. Thank you for the insightful comments Candyce.

  2. Lisa Garcia

    This is something I wrestle with. I am hard hearted sometimes, out of fear of course, and often behave like a bull in a China shop when I perceive “danger” to those I love. This is definitely from being parentified at a young age. I used to read of the Proverbs 31 women and think I came pretty close at times-yet the verse “out of her mouth is the law of kindness” seemed to elude me. But I sat with my anger a long time until she told me her name was fear. As I age, I can look back on so many alters and reflect on so many answered prayers that prove my Lord’s Faithfulness. This helps tremendously in allowing my heart to be tender.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Lisa, thank you for sharing. I relate to feeling fear due to emotional wounds. It takes time to surrender and heal. Tender and tough is a hard balance to find but God is faithful.

  3. Angela Scheffel Garvin

    Great Word Lisa!!!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thank you Angela, it’s a tough balance being a women while battling through a calling.


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