Whose Manger Is This? “This is my manger,” says each self-focused animal. Not-so-good behavior is shown as each one demands their way. Mary and Joseph watch as the animals experience heartfelt change. A surprise ending filled with worship and praise show what it looks like to give. ORDER NOW Available in hard cover, paperback and audiobook format. The Cross Donkey New book coming soon! Check back soon for more information on Lisa Robbin's latest book "The Cross Donkey".





Redefining Defeat

Webster defines defeat as the loss of a contest and to frustrate or destroy. On Saturday, March 15th, our Lady Dragons lost to Westview in Murfreesboro, with a final score of 44-38. Reese Beaty watched from the bench because she'd fouled out in the final moments of...

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Windy Days and Changed Ways

March came with a roar. The' whistling sound of strong winds could be heard throughout the night of March 4th and the early morning hours of March 5th. Uprooted trees, debris of sticks and branches, and lawns strown with outdoor furniture are signs left by fierce...

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I recently saw a quote. With a stamp of approval, I agreed until further inspection. The premise stated that we should serve while waiting to make it. Upon applying the biblical perspective, the truth that we are to serve while we live on earth continually resounded...

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True Treasures

I’ve passed some vintage treasures. Three years ago, I failed to purchase a large ironstone pitcher due to the price, yet I bought insignificant smalls. Recently, I failed to buy a vintage brass bell and again opted for smalls. I should’ve made the correct purchases,...

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In His Presence

My husband Michael and I recently went on a date. We ate out and shopped at the grocery store. This is far from the romantic dates I craved when we were younger, but we were together. Our Marriage took years of living for me to learn the value of being in the presence...

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Walk in the Spirit

I’m celebrating my birthday this weekend. I don’t remember when this birth took place, but I do remember my spiritual birth—being born again changed my life. My desire, my focus, and my goals were new. I desired to pray, read, and obey the Lord. I focused on...

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Always Rejoice

I recently heard a message by Dr. David Gibbs concerning worry. I have read, taught, and heard this familiar text preached throughout my Christian life, but I’m not living it now.    Philippians chapter four, verses four through nine, are life-changing verses. In...

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It is Well

Mom and I haven’t felt well lately. I assume the cause is a virus, and Mom also had a UTI. Recovery from the virus seemed final, but then I felt terrible again. Caregiving for a dementia patient is challenging, and feeling well is a mental and spiritual battle for...

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I met Lisa Robbins in 2013, through her jail ministry, while incarcerated in Fentress County. I had no idea that over the next few years, through God, she would make such an impact on my life. Her faithfulness to consistently visit, pray, and share scripture with us inmates was an encouragement to me, as well as others. She prayed for years for my salvation. Jesus saved me in 2020, so today I am a born again Christian! To God is the glory.

Brenda Campbell

It is a great privilege to know Lisa Robbins. She has been an acquaintance of mine for a number of years. Lisa always brings much wisdom to the conversation. She is easy, interesting, and personable to chat with. Lisa’s writing conveys her love for the Lord, shares the good news of the gospel, gives needed direction, and provides spiritual education to those who read it.

Cindy Smith, Editor of Fentress Times

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