Walk in the Spirit

Jan 24, 2025 | Christian Living, Salvation, Servanthood | 4 comments

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I’m celebrating my birthday this weekend. I don’t remember when this birth took place, but I do remember my spiritual birth—being born again changed my life. My desire, my focus, and my goals were new. I desired to pray, read, and obey the Lord. I focused on witnessing and praying for my family and friends who didn’t know the Lord and spiritual growth through obeying God’s word. My goals were to teach my children and other people’s children the truth.

I want to say I’ve always had this mindset, but I’d be lying. From the time of my new birth until now, I’ve sometimes been distracted by opposition from myself and Satan. Once we set our hearts and minds to serve, our selfishness and Satan will work against God’s will in our lives.

Satan sends others to judge and critique. We can choose to show grace, love, and mercy or to let our flesh rise and retaliate with a mean-spirited response or action. I’ve responded both ways, and the biblical reaction is best. The only way I cope correctly is by walking in the spirit.

Satan may also fill our lives with busy activities. Too much TV, social media, shopping, sports, hobbies, and numerous other activities may distract us from focusing on the things of God. We get too busy to pray, read, and witness. We fall prey to fulfilling the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life. This world is filled with many fleshly desires. Be sure Satan works through these goings-on. Walking in the Spirit is the only way I keep my desire in check.

Once we set a goal to complete work for Jesus, be sure Satan will hinder us. In my case, teaching spiritual truth requires consistent Bible study. Planning, praying, and prepping props are in tandem with study time. These goals require discipline. The only way I accomplish these goals is by walking in the Spirit.

It seems I have months or years of walking in the Spirit to be disrupted by relational issues and being too busy. Ladies, do you identify with these challenges of walking in the Spirit? Everyone has times of spiritual lapse, so let’s encourage one another to walk in the Spirit.

This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. Galatians 5:16



  1. Sharon Pierce

    I remember the exact day this took place in my life — November 4, 1996. I was 47 and had spent my life up to that point trying to run everything in my life to the best of my ability. I was raised in a great Christian home, and I knew all about Jesus, but it wasn’t until I was 47 that I finally threw up my hands in despair, and asked the Lord to take control of EVERYTHING!

    What a difference that made! I still have my trying times, but I know that I am not in control of anything but my attitude.

    Best wishes and prayers to you , Lisa, as you continue to walk out your faith.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Sharon, thanks for sharing your surrender experience. Surrendering everything does make a difference, but we will always experience trying times. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words to walk out my faith. I wish the same for you!

  2. Katherine Pasour

    I remember when I truly surrendered to God. Your are right, Lisa, things (especially me) aren’t perfect, but my walk with Him has absolutely created a new me. As you point out, the devil still attacks, but Jesus is with us, and with Him, we are strong. Blessings!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Rmembering our surrender is sweet especially during challending times.


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