Mother-Daughter Difference

May 10, 2024 | Christian Living, Mother | 2 comments


At age five, I remember Momma making bologna sandwiches, placing Pringles on a plate, and pouring Coke for my brother Greg and me. She sometimes prepared meals from meager means. I also vividly remember Momma’s firm validation that I would continue attending Kindergarten even if I cried relentlessly. Memories of Mamma singing praises to her Savior while washing clothes and hanging them on the line are forever etched in my mind. I was raised in an old-fashioned way. I took baths in a metal tub, drank from a tin dipper, and washed dishes by hand. Momma had a tough life, but she was committed to caring for us.

Then came my teen years, living under the watchful eye of concern and caution. Wedding plans came early. I was three months less than nineteen. Momma and Daddy never had a wedding. Momma knew little about wedding planning but was proud of me and Michael. She was present, with a smiling face,e while experiencing her painful divorce after a twenty-five-year marriage.

Momma prayed for many years for me, my siblings, and her grandchildren. She loved us and others well. Momma’s ministry was visiting elderly people’s homes and nursing home patients. Her kindness and willingness to give her time and attention have blessed many. Momma asked me to care for her and not send her to the nursing home unless I felt I could no longer handle her. I promised I would, so I am.

Moving Momma in a year ago has caused many challenges, but I’d do it all again. I now make Momma her meals, give firm instructions for her well-being, wash her clothes, give her showers, carry her water, and wash her dirty dishes. I am now the eye of concern and caution.

I don’t know much about caring for a dementia patient because I’ve not experienced this before, but I’m present amid my struggles. Sometimes, I show up with a smiling face, and other times, I frown with frustration. I now pray for Mom’s well-being and for wisdom to care for her as she needs. I’m striving to be kind as I give my time to care for Momma. She is my main ministry. I strive to bless momma like she blessed others. There is a difference in our mother-daughter role because a reversal has taken place. Nevertheless, honor is still due.

Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;

That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. Ephesians 6:2-3


  1. Candyce Carden

    Your bittersweet story reminded me of a beloved picture book I used to read to my first graders. “Now One Foot, Now the Other” by Tomie dePaola. Are you familiar with it?

    Praying for you!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Candyce, I’m familiar with Tomie dePaola, but I don’t remember reading that particular picute book. Thank you for your prayers!


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