Trophy Time

Oct 13, 2023 | Christian Living, Marriage | 6 comments

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Cats, though domesticated, still have a predatory instinct to hunt. They love to conquer small rodents, like mice, and play with their prey until the life has left. Next comes the ritual of presenting their prey as a gift to family and friends. This often, unwanted gift, may be found on your porch, at the foot of your bed, or even in your bed!

Felines bring their coveted prize back to the place where they feel safe, comfortable, and secure. This behavior is innate and can be expected as a display of how they are created. God has created all creatures with behaviors and actions for his divine purpose, especially humans.

God formed Adam and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. He caused a deep sleep to come upon Adam and created Eve from Adam’s rib. The first marriage was instituted in the Garden of Eden. As man and woman are brought together, our union is a picture of Christ and His church. Because of this Satan fights marriage. 

My husband Michael and I celebrated thirty-eight years of marriage on October 11, 2023. We have not always been the best example of Christ and His church, but we have had the correct union ordained of God-man and woman. Our fleshly nature has often gotten in the way of our spiritual purposes, but God saved us both at an early age and saved our marriage from what could have ended in divorce.

Michael is still learning to love and serve me as Christ loves the Church, and I’m still striving to submit. There’s a biblical plan for marriage with a purpose beyond ourselves. One thing husbands are instructed to do is honor wives as the weaker vessels.

Contrary to the feminist mindset, I have learned I am the weaker vessel. My mind gets more overwhelmed with spiritual warfare than my husband’s. I can be driven by emotions over truth thus causing sound decisions to elude me at times. Ladies, when married to a believing husband, it’s wise to seek their counsel on matters of the heart like child rearing, spiritual issues, and standards of living.

Submission is a biblical teaching whether we accept it or not. Leading men make a home stronger, safer, and a place to cultivate salvation. Submission is not a destructive principle, but rather a loving command from our Heavenly Father to ensure a family’s protection from the schemes of the enemy.

Ladies, as the cat fulfills its intended purpose of presenting gifts where it feels safe, comfortable, and secure may we submit ourselves to fulfill our intended purpose as wives. I believe our greatest trophy to lay before the Lord will be that we submitted, as unto the Lord, with a meek and quiet spirit. God’s plans are not meant to diminish our worth but rather a means of saving our homes from destruction.

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

Ephesians 5:22-23


  1. Katherine Pasour

    Submission to my husband was a challenge for me, but I worked hard to achieve it. I was far from perfect, but so thankful God helped me on this journey. I wasn’t able to submit to my husband until I submitted to God and I had to learn that lesson the hard way. Thank you for this message. May God continue to bless you and your husband.

    • Lisa Robbins

      I agree Katherine submitting to God is the key to submitting to our husbands. Thank you for kind words.

  2. Angela Scheffel Garvin

    Happy 38th Anniversary!! Truth spoken here!!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thank you dear friend!

  3. Candyce Carden

    Submission is hard, and I agree with Katherine. When we have fully submitted to God, we will find it easier to submit in marriage and other areas of life. Happy Anniversary to you two! You are such a cute couple and set a wonderful example for others.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Submission is hard and yes submitting to Jesus is the key! Thank you for your sweet compliment.


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