
Sep 8, 2023 | Christian Living, Salvation | 6 comments

My friend Gaye Smith rescues quilts. Recently she found a crazy quilt with a hodge podge of various fabrics of all sizes, shapes, colors, and patterns. From velvet to cotton and everything in between this quilt was indeed crazy! She also spotted a quilt a bit worse for use. The edges were frayed and in rough shape. The quilt was wet and sticky, but Gaye saw the potential. Her last quilt was a lovely fan-find. This beautiful quilt has been put to good use. It is displayed nicely at SR Mercantile and will soon be a favored possession for the new owner.

Jesus once rescued a crazy man. Residing in the mountains and among the tombs is where he stripped naked and cried as he cut himself with stones. People in the country of Gadarene were unable to help this deranged man. He broke the fetters and plucked the chains they used to bind him. Taming his heart, filled with unclean spirits, was more than a man could manage. But when he saw Jesus, everything changed as he recognized Him, ran to worship Him, and asked Him for help. Jesus cast out the man’s unclean spirits. He was no longer crazy but clothed and in his right mind. Never doubt what God can do for people who are bound by the evil spirits of Satan.

Mary Magdelene’s fornication had invited seven unclean spirits to live within her. I wonder about the behavior and actions that she displayed as she lived a less-than-respectable lifestyle. She must have been a soggy mess with sin stuck in her mind and body and a bit rough around the edges. Mary was probably undesirable and disrespected by most, but Jesus cast out the devils and she became one of his most dedicated followers. Let’s not disregard those who live lasciviously because change is brought when people meet Jesus.

Jesus’ mother Mary was conceived of the Holy Ghost, birthed, nurtured, and raised Jesus. A woman of this magnitude was blessed and highly favored. Chosen of God, Mary still needed rescuing. Her soul needed to be saved. No matter our outward character all hearts are sinful and in need of a Savior.

Seeing treasured quilts, Gaye paid the purchasing price to make them her own. Jesus paid the ultimate price as He suffered, bled, and died to make us his own. We’ve been bought and paid for, but we must surrender to our owner to be cleansed of sin. Those who belong to Jesus are his treasured procession whether crazy, rough, or seemingly lovely.

For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

I Corinthians 6:20








  1. Candyce

    I so enjoy how you teach us about biblical characters and relate their stories to life today.

    Thank you!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Candyace, Thank you for your encouraging comment and you’re welcome!

  2. Mary Grimm

    Praise the Lord for this!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thanks for reading and responding dear friend.

  3. Katherine Pasour

    Jesus came to save and rescue the lost. We’re all lost without Him. Thank you for your wonderfully expressed message and the wisdom you share. Beautifully written!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thank you Katherine! My friend Gaye insprires me often and her rescued quilts provided a hook for this devotion. I’m thankful God rescues various people!


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