Jude’s Shoes

Jun 16, 2023 | Children | 8 comments

I saw little Jude’s shoes on the church pew where a little dude’s shoes should be. Sometimes Jude squirms and fusses, nevertheless he attends church faithfully with his preacher father Scotty Shults, and teacher mother Hailey Waters Shults. His shoes, though not on his feet, were a sure sign he was present in church that Sunday morning.

Do you have a little dude or dudette who struggles to sit still through the church service? Maybe you feel less than blessed by the worship or less than fed by God’s word as you correct, console, and quiet your little one. It’s normal to experience frustration while attending our offspring. The struggle is real, but the purpose prevails.

Fathers in particular are commanded to bring their children up in the nurture of the Lord. One way to nurture children in the Lord is by faithfully attending church. As God’s men preach from the pulpit little listeners learn to reverence God’s house and God’s Word. They learn of God’s love and Jesus’ death on the cross as the only means of salvation. Someone must ensure children are supplied with spiritual nourishment for salvation and further development in the Lord. This responsibility lies at the feet of fathers.

Fathers can also bring children up in the admonition of the Lord by gently reproving their children against fault or oversight. Instruction from God’s word shows children their sinful condition and their need for Jesus as Savior. Sound doctrine must be taught and a Bible-believing church is a place to instill truth into children’s minds. Church attendance serves a purpose.

Be like little Jude’s father Scotty who strives to obey God’s word by faithful church presence. During service families struggle, children get restless, and shoes fall off little feet, but little ears are listening. Parents, hearing the word of God can produce salvation and faith for your children. This is the primary purpose of the church.   

And, ye fathers, …..bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). 

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17)      





  1. Brenda Campbell

    I love this Lisa! And little Jude is precious! I heard him singing Jesus loves me in church the other day! What a blessing!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Brenda, I heard that too! He is so stinking precious! This was a blessing to write and I’m glad you liked it.

  2. Joyce Beeler

    Lisa I am a computer idiot all I do is like and share how do I follow this page ? I have looked for a follow button ( if that is even a thing) I enjoy your post when I run across one

    • Lisa Robbins

      Joyce visit my website: lisarobbinsauthor.com then scroll to the bottom. Subscribe to my weekly posts by filling out all the information.
      Follow the prompts. You will receive an email message to confirm your subscribtion. After you confirm, you will receive these posts in your email inbox every Friday morning at 9:00 am. Leave comments regularly if you’d like! Thanks.

  3. Yvonne Morgan

    Jude sounds like a regular little child and I love it. Great message on the importance of bringing up our children in church. Thanks Lisa.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Yvonne, Jude is precious and thanks for your comment. I believe church attendence is important to salvation and Christian character development.

  4. Annie Yorty

    You touch on such an important point, Lisa. And too often I’ve seen churches discourage parents from bringing their young ones into church. They might “disrupt” the service. I’m not opposed to Sunday school for kids, but we should bring them to church to train them to listen and learn from the time they’re small. Thank you!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Annie, I agree. Children need to be exposed to worship and they aren’t a disruption but rather a blessing. They listen and learn much more than we might think even while squirming! I’m not opposed to Children’s Church if truth is taught. Either way church attendance is important for our littles. Thanks for your comment.


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