Make Room

May 19, 2023 | Holiday, Mother | 8 comments

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I resisted the inevitable. Mom was unable to care for herself and needed to move in with me. My internal conflict between caring for mom and living my own life was real. Spending time with my children and grandchildren while writing and teaching was important. How could I make room for more responsibility? I’d also need to purge my vintage treasures and make bathroom modifications. Upon surrendering to the ministry of mom I began to de-clutter my heart and my home.

     When caring for our elderly parents we have options: in home care, assisted living communities, or heath care facilities. When faced with this dilemma the unavoidable choice must be made. The struggle is real until the destination is chosen. 

     Greater than this choice was another that caused deep conflict within my soul. At age twenty-three I was empty and needed Jesus to fill my inward void. Awareness that I was unable to take care of this most important need loomed large within, but I grappled to exercise faith fully trusting Jesus Christ. I was spiritually void yet my soul was cluttered with fear, anxiety, and misgiving.

     I was destined to Hell with only one choice to change my eternal destination. I finally surrendered all my worries completely to Jesus. He was the crucified sacrifice purchasing my salvation. Only He could save my soul and take me to Heaven. Once my internal turmoil was released to Jesus peace flooded my uncluttered soul.  

     I’ve made room for mom. Some days are less than ideal, but I understand obedience is not meant to be easy. I’m unsure of the days ahead and this can cause unease. I strive to focus on mom’s needs one day at a time as I trust Jesus with each decision.

     Every human will face a moment of decision. Surrender to eternal salvation or rejection to live eternally lost. There are options to house our elderly parents but only one option suffices for our souls. We must surrender and let Jesus reside within us. Have you made room for Him? 

….Choose you this day whom ye will serve; ….but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD (Joshua 24:15 ).


  1. Angela Scheffel Garvin

    Praying for you in this time of transition….How GREATLY BLESSED your mom is to have WONDERFUL SURRENDERED You!!! XO

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thank you Angela for your prayers. There are days EXCITED and JOYFUL could be attributes of surrendered me!

      • Candyce

        I agree with Angela. Your mom is blessed to have you and you will be blessed for your sacrificial love for her. I’m praying for you.

        • Lisa Robbins

          I need prayer. I struggle daily, but I’m striving to be thankful and submissive. This is not what I thought my life would look like at this time, but God wills differently than I. Thank you Candyace. I hope to meet in person someday!

  2. Katherine Pasour

    It’s a challenging journey, when we become caregivers for our parents. The role reversal is difficult for both. “Making room” is a good analogy. As we make room for Jesus and He fills our heart, mind, and soul, our love grows immeasurablely and gives us the faith and courage to do the hard things. May God bless you, Lisa. Praying for you.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thank you sweet Katherine. I needed this feedback.

  3. Kristin Sweat

    Praying for you, friend.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thank you Kristin. Prayers are needed and appreciated at this time.


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