It’s Not Your Lucky Day

Mar 17, 2023 | Christian Living, Holiday | 8 comments

Patrick was born in Britain to a Romanized family. He was torn by Irish raiders from the villa of his father at age sixteen. He spent six dark years in captivity as a herdsman which turned him toward his faith.

     He fled his master and found passage to Britain but nearly starved and suffered a second brief captivity before being reunited with his family. He was compelled by a certain company of Irishmen to return. Deeply moved his confidence in the Lord compelled him to embark back to Ireland, this time by free will choice.

    Once in the field, Patrick journeyed far and wide baptizing and confirming with great zeal. He was cast into chains and lived in constant threat of martyrdom. Known to be a humble-minded man Patrick sought to bring former idol worshippers to God

    Legends have been told of Patrick’s travels one being the Shamrock. He is believed to have explained the Holy Trinity to unbelievers using the one stalked three-leaved plant. In honor of his work, this fifth century man was named St. Patrick Patron Saint to Ireland.

      Irish people began observing St. Patrick’s Day around the tenth century with the first official feast day celebrated March 17th which is believed to be Patrick’s death date. Traditionally Irishmen have worn shamrocks, the national flower of Ireland, on their lapels to commemorate his legendary work. Irish emigrants brought this tradition to America where the wearing of green and belief of leprechauns bring good luck.

     Like many celebrated days we seem to shift from the spiritual beginnings to secular celebrations. Serving God has nothing to do with luck as we see in the life of St. Patrick. Tribulation and hardships took him to Ireland and God’s direction presumably led him back to Ireland to win others.

     Luck is believed to be a force that brings good fortune or favoring chance. In God’s creative design He is the only force bringing good to humanity. Salvation, grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness are not given by chance but by God’s plan for man. God does not bestow his gifts upon a few fortunate men but upon all who believe. Receiving salvation guarantees the best gift ever given-the fullness of Christ.       

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights; with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

James 1:17


  1. Katherine Pasour

    A timely message, not just on March 17, but at any time. St Patrick is such a wonderful role model of love and evangelism. Thank you for sharing, Lisa.

    • Lisa Robbins

      St. Patrick’s evangelism certainly came at a sacrifice.

  2. Brenda Campbell

    Wow! I’ve never heard this story before!what a blessing! Thank you for sharing!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Glad you found it interesting Brenda. We often celebrate without the details of why we do so!

  3. Ashley Beaty

    I don’t know that I’ve ever heard this either! Thanks for sharing! Loved it!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thank for reading. Glad you enjoyed this post!

  4. Candyce

    How interesting! We can draw many lessons from St. Patrick’s life.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Candyce, we sure can!


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