
Feb 3, 2023 | Christian Living, Love | 14 comments

     I read, “Our team has reviewed this submission, and unfortunately we aren’t the best fit”. Disappointment hit like a water wave. I leaned backward.

     Perhaps you too are called to write and understand the process of rejection. Maybe your call comes from the Savior to pursue a different endeavor. Whatever the work, we hear the same voice from the shores of the unknown. Once called, what are we to do with waves of rejection?

     Rejection can be a positive experience pushing us to pray. Believers are given the privilege to pray believing God to move on our behalf. When we are rejected by a publisher or people in our area of pursuit we can know God’s timing is not now but later. Exercising prayer strengthens our resolve to try again.

     Perseverance is required while pursuing publication or other endeavors. Delays come as we strive to achieve success, but we cannot quit. Pressing forward is required no matter how difficult.

     Perfecting my craft has proven to be far more laborious than I had envisioned. Every word counts as does a well executed plot and adherence to format. Taking critiques could drown a novice but is a necessary part of the process. With each pressing wave of rejection, I’m learning to lean forward.

     The Apostle Paul was familiar with rejection. He wrote while in stocks and chains yet pressed toward the mark of his high calling in Christ. Two thousand years later, his writing ministry continues to reach countless individuals for the cause of Christ. I too will leave words of truth for God’s glory, but God is presently performing another prosperous work. 

     I’m less wounded by rejection than before, my prayer life is richer, I’m seeing what perseverance looks like and I’m learning to hone a craft I love! My most important lessons learned are to exercise faith without wavering and to love and encourage others along the way. 

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)

And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:

Hebrews 10:23 and 24  



  1. Katherine Pasour

    Your message is timely and beautifully written. I’m loving your metaphor of the shore and “waves of rejection.” It feels like waves, doesn’t it? When the response is “no” or no response at all, it feels personal, like we’re not good enough. But, as you say, keeping going, not giving up, strengthens our faith. Your message is encouraging and inspiring. Thank you.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thank you Katerine. It does feel likes waves with potential to knock us down or drown our dream (should have used that alliteration)! It is a battle to not take it personally. Im glad God uses our struggles to encourage and inspire! And you’re welcome.

    • Lillie

      Thankful you are sticking to your calling. Not all of us can write. Talents and God’s calling are distributed as seen fit by our Maker.
      The gifts and callings of God are real and worthy of our perseverance to succeed. Your writings are inspiration to others. Stay focused !

      • Lisa Robbins

        Thank you Lillie. God only knows how much these words of encouragment mean today.

  2. Candyce Carden

    I’ve certainly been there, and I sometimes feel discouraged. Then I remember how writing has helped grow my faith, deepened my relationship with God, and shown me truths I probably wouldn’t have discovered otherwise. And I know there’s purpose in it.

    Soldier on!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Candyace, you are right! God’s work inside our hearts ourshines the discouraging days of rejection! I too have been blessed by the spiritual growth that comes from this pursuit. Let’s both soilder on!

  3. Angela Scheffel Garvin

    Lean forward…..Yes let us continually lean forward!!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Yes, leaning and learning! God has a plan for us dear freind.

  4. Yvonne Morgan

    When I first received rejection letters, I felt awful. But I soon remember that God’s plans are best and so I release my feelings to Him as I try to learn more things to become a better writer

    • Lisa Robbins

      I’m striving to do the same. Thank you for your comment Yvonne. It is encouraging to hear from other writers who ‘ve had the same experiences.

  5. Annie Yorty

    Rejection stings less when we remember the One we must aim to please, the One who never rejects us. Thanks for a wonderful message.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Amen Annie, Let’s aim to please our Savior who never reject us! Love this.

  6. Jen Knight

    So true. Thank you for sharing from your heart. It took a while, but now when waves come instead of asking why, I ask what are we going to do with this? It has helped me to see His perspective and there is a plan in all of it.

    • Lisa Robbins

      I’m learning to ask the same question and press toward the new direction. As Lori Slice Hatcher says, “It’s not rejection but redirection’.


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