Let it Go!

Jan 27, 2023 | Christian Living | 6 comments

Let it Go!

     Bitter roots wrapped around my wounded heart because I refused to forgive.

     I was advised by my Christian counselor to let it go, but fear of repeated abuse and the desire to take vengeance had a strong hold. I knew I was accountable to forgive, but it took me too long to release the offender to my Savior. This cost me and my family. We lost peaceful and loving years due to my unwillingness to forgive.   

     Jesus’ disciples ask how many times they were to forgive others and He replied, “seventy times seven”.  Jesus didn’t imply we are off the hook of forgiveness after four hundred and ninety times, rather this cultural response meant constant forgiveness is required.

     In order to serve our Savior and walk in His forgiveness we must let go of our desire to harbor bitterness no matter the reason. A repeated offense often causes extensive pain and sorrow. Our wounded hearts tend to turn cold in order to build a wall of emotional protection. This, however, is a temporary fleshly mechanism that never heals the heart but causes further spiritual problems.

     Through exposure to Spirit-filled Bible teaching my heart has relinquished my need to retaliate and I have let go of all bitterness. This was necessary for me to walk in God’s forgiveness as I minister through teaching, writing and daily living. Jesus requires we forgive others if we want Him to forgive us.

     Jesus means what he says.  Don’t be like me; let go now not later. Forgive and be forgiven this new year!

    For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:  

But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive our trespasses.

Matthew 6:14 and 15



  1. Ally Compton

    This is a wonderful devotional! Sometimes it’s so hard to forgive but the peace and relief afterwards are such a blessing!
    Thank you Lisa for sharing this!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Amen to all your comments Ally. Forgivness is hard when the offense is continual and from a person close to our heart but God requires it. Love you!

  2. Cissy Paul

    Amen , Lisa.
    Thanks for the message. Praise the Lord.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Your welcome and yes, praise the Lord!

  3. Kristin

    It’s so easy to get bitter. God knew it would be so and thus the instruction to forgive, and forgive, and forgive.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Amen, it is easier to get bitter than to forgive. Tough teaching but true.


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