
Why Not Me?

Why not Me? By Valeria Voiles At a time when everyone else was fighting Covid, I was fighting for my life in a very different way. While I stood alone in the shower, a mass-reared its ugly head, and I knew. Trips to get a mammogram and then an immediate ultrasound...

Pastor’s Helpmeets

I knew the Lord was calling me to work. My past Pastor backed me and then recanted. He needed clear guidance before allowing this work within the church. Disappointment ensued and waiting was hard, but scripture instructs us to obey those who rule over us and watch...

Escape the Storm

Hurricane Helene hit as predicted. Floods and one hundred forty-mile-an-hour wind caused power outages and destruction beyond the coast. But this intense storm didn't strike without warning—one warning instructed people to tag themselves with ID if they chose not to...

Path to Purpose

We are each fearfully and wonderfully made. God owned our innermost parts as we grew in our mother’s womb. His work to create each individual is marvelous! Made in secret, with substantial potential, God privately and curiously shapes humans to praise and serve Him,...

Summer is Ended

Summer 2024 has ended. Lake days are over, the air is crisp, leaves are fading, and garden goods are harvested. Fall is my favorite season, but the last  season of this year causes me to ask, “How many souls have I won to the Lord in 2024?” Jesus came to do the...

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