Reflect on the Matter of Hospitality

Sep 9, 2022 | Christian Living | 2 comments


Photo credit: Ashley Garrett Photography

Use hospitality one to another without grudging.  I Peter 4:9

Hospitality is the activity or business of providing services to guests in various places of businesses (or home-my addition to the definition). Biblically, we are to willingly provide necessary services to others, within our ability or means.

     My friend Teresa Duvall at Home Reflections is generously bestowing hospitality upon me as I pursue my writing career. I need constant photos for my website, my newspaper articles and my devotional book ideas. Teresa’s shop is filled with antique and vintage treasures. She generously shares her resources with me in order to help me pursue my call to publish. In her exact words, “Use anything you like, I really want to help.” Her sincere words are backed by actions as I recently borrowed items for an object photo shoot with vintage flair.

     Teresa provides antique and vintage goods, Ashley Garrett exhibits her talent of photography and I give myself to learn the craft of devotional writing-all for God’s glory. As the old saying goes: Many hands make light work!

     Perhaps we have a talent in music, art, organization, home decorating, photography, or communication which might be used for acts of service to others. Possible skills in carpentry, mechanics, or handy man services could help sustain a widower left without the monetary or physical means needed to sustain their livelihood. Excess clothing, home goods, food or monetary means within your procession might be the answer to someone else’s need. A cooked meal, a kind word, or a phone call may make a difference for those suffering emotionally or physically. An invitation to our home could be an encouragement for a struggling teenager or young married couple. Many are in need of various modes of hospitality.

     Let’s take time to reflect on the matter of hospitality. God will be faithful to guide each of us as we share in the combined effort of meeting other’s needs.

Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality. Romans 12:13



  1. Candyce

    A fresh look at hospitality! We should all be aware of the gifts we have to share. Thank you.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thank you Candyce!


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