


...the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand. Prov. 19:21 We are in a time when people rationalize perverse and unsound ways of thinking, even in the church. Furthermore, the more I hear, the more I want to adhere to God's Word. His truth will stand. Many Devices...

Treasures in Heaven

Treasures in Heaven

... lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,.... Matthew 6:20   Lately, I have seen various posts on social media declaring people's New Year's resolutions. As a read the posts I am reminded that all that matters in this life is our service to Jesus Christ and...

Reach Forth

Reach Forth

...reaching forth unto those things which are before. Phil.3:13 I lived many years regretting my past sins and failures. As long as I dwelt in the past, it kept me from moving forward. What's more, Satan knows the past can hinder believers so he uses it against us as...

Gift Wrapping

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,....James 1:17 I get excited when packages from my online purchases are delivered. The thud of the boxes on the porch compels me to retrieve them. In fact, I immediately open the boxes to see the gifts I have...

Holy is His Name

  Chosen I am amazed how God has chosen to use women. Actually, we are the only gender to conceive and birth babies. The process from conception to birth is nothing short of miraculous. Birthing, nurturing, loving, and training my kids is the highlight of my...

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