
Choosing Adoption

Scott and Mary Alice Edwards planned to start a family. Through testing, they soon learned the chances to conceive were slim to impossible. Fertility drugs or invitro was an option, but after much prayer, they were not led in this direction. Adoption was not in Mary...

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Fruit of the Womb

  Human creation is a remarkable display of Almighty God’s handiwork. God possesses each human’s inward most parts and covers us in our mother’s womb. We are curiously made in secret and are fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are God’s works, so let’s...

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Comfort Caregivers

I’m incredibly blessed as I care for my mom. I’ve received help and encouragement from my church family, immediate family, and friends. God has provided me with a faithful husband, much caregiving help, cards, gifts, messages, phone calls, meals, and, most...

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  Our son Asa bought the property, poured a concrete slab, insured the pole barn frame for installation, and the list continued. It took two years of perseverance to realize his dream Barndominium bachelor pad. After much preparation and execution, Asa’s home is...

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Why Not Me?

Why not Me? By Valeria Voiles At a time when everyone else was fighting Covid, I was fighting for my life in a very different way. While I stood alone in the shower, a mass-reared its ugly head, and I knew. Trips to get a mammogram and then an immediate ultrasound...

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