Christian Living

Honor is a Golden Opportunity

     My beautiful mom is nearing the end of her golden years. She has always been smart, beautiful, loving, and kind. Reading, playing games, solving cross-word puzzles, and watching game shows furthered her limited childhood classroom education. Her love of reading...

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When Help Doesn’t Help

         My mother struggles to eat breakfast before taking her daily medications. She loves McDonald’s fried apple pies so one day I took her one. An hour or so later she felt weak and faint. I was trying to help but I realized later the pie was too sweet to eat for...

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God’s Glue Sticks

     Stick, as a verb, is to hold something firmly by, or as if by, adhesion. It is to remain in place, situation or environment.               I have a few friends that stick by me through heartaches and trials and celebrate with me in times of triumph. When harsh...

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Lift Him Up!

       I recently watched a powerful video. While holding his newborn baby in NICU a father sung praises to Jesus. The baby miraculously raised his little hand as His daddy sang. I imagine the baby was moved by God’s spirit when his daddy looked to Jesus as he...

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No Crucifixtion; No Resurrection

     Some messages leave a lasting mark upon our life. Bro. Patrick Nix preached a message over twenty years ago that still stays in my soul today. I can’t quote much of the message but I remember the context and take away.      Apostle Paul’s teaching in 1...

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