Christian Living

Why Red?

Red is used for Christmas décor for many reasons, but one is most important. Red symbolizes the blood of Jesus whose birth on earth ended with His ultimate sacrifice to save us from our sins. God’s earthly plan was always known but two thousand years ago it was shown....

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I stood still in the basement of the Baptist church I attended. Time was often spent preparing to teach fifty children each week in Children’s Church. God had called me to this ministry and I loved teaching truth to each precious soul. God’s voice came to me in a...

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Fodder from Our Savior

Stock animals’ fodder is dried hay or feed. There’s a variety such as hay, straw, silage, compressed and pelleted feeds, oils and mixed rations, sprouted grains, and legumes. All this is made from grown greens processed a bit differently. Nonetheless, livestock thrive...

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Spiritual Trampling

Eyes wide and ears back, with a side-ways stance, are signs of an agitated cow. Cows may kick or use their head to throw a person in the air which can cause detrimental damage. Even calm cows might trample people and other animals when fighting amongst themselves. It...

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Drink and Walk Straight

Camels are loyal creatures capable of walking across sandy terrain with feet firmly planted. They are also capable of drinking fifty-two gallons of water which is stored in their bloodstream ensuring hydration for many days of difficult travel. We can be like camels...

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