As I write this, I’m tired and overwhelmed. My body aches, I’m congested, caring for Mom, and promoting The Cross Donkey. God is stretching me. Making money from publishing is slim but not impossible. There are over 500,000 authors in America, and only 500 generate enough income to write full-time.
I recently listened to a message by preacher and attorney Dr. David Gibbs. When he was eight, his mother was stricken with Polio. She spent some years in an iron lung and was confined to a wheelchair for the remainder of her life. Still, she desired to be of use for the kingdom. One day, a preacher stopped by, and David’s mother asked how she could be of service. This preacher was church planting, and after he prayed, he offered her the opportunity to teach a Sunday School class.
With only a few students, Mrs. Gibbs taught each Sunday, but she had a bigger vision. She wanted an extensive bus ministry to bring children to hear the gospel. With David in tow, she visited a large bus business on a cold, snowy day. As they struggled toward the door, David dropped his mother, who screamed with searing pain. After lying on the cold ground for thirty minutes, David took his mother into the building.
Mrs. Gibbs asked the desk clerk if they could donate a bus and driver for church ministry. The desk clerk summoned the president of the company. As he listened to her request, he immediately said, “No” as a final word. She asked if he was the owner, and with his reply of “No,” she asked to speak to the one who could grant her wish. The clerk called the owner, who refused, but from his office window, he’d seen her fall, which caused him to ponder what to do with this lady. Mrs. Gibbs persisted until he granted one bus and one driver. She asked for another bus as the north and south sides of town needed to be served. The owner granted her two drivers and two buses. David said, “Mom, you got buses. How did you do that?” She replied, “I asked”.
This account becomes more astounding. Over time, the bus company kept volunteering buses and drivers until five thousand children were bused in for Sunday School. Mrs. Gibb’s didn’t stop there; she witnessed to and won many drivers to the Lord. It was estimated that over two hundred missionaries and over one hundred preachers were called from this Sunday School program all because Mrs. Gibbs asked.
As Bro. David Gibbs stated, in his message, that we must not ask to consume upon our lusts. Everything we ask of God must be to win lost souls, teach biblical truth, and advance the kingdom. I’m not asking for a mansion, a boat, a sports car, or a vacation home; I’m asking God to provide the finances to continue publishing and investing in ministry efforts.
I’ve embarked on a new journey. I’ve created my company, True Treasures Publishing LLC, to ensure that all my published picture books and devotionals quote the King James Version. I must be authentic and live what I believe. I’ve obeyed. Nothing is impossible with God, and I’m walking by faith. I’m broke but blessed. I’m believing God for a miracle.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: Matthew 7:7
Inspiring Story!! True Treasures Publishing – WoW!! CONGRATULATIONS!!