I recently saw a quote. With a stamp of approval, I agreed until further inspection. The premise stated that we should serve while waiting to make it. Upon applying the biblical perspective, the truth that we are to serve while we live on earth continually resounded in my being.
The need to succeed is a predominant mentality for many. Finish college to build wealth, become an entrepreneur to make a name, start your YouTube Channel as an influencer, and become famous. Today, some people desire to become Christian celebrities, which is not synonymous with Christian living modeled by Jesus.
Jesus was the Son of God. He left Heaven and was born through a virgin from common stock. He lay His baby head in a trough made for feeding animals and walked among man without a place to lay His manly head. God gave Jesus a name above every name, yet He never displayed the need for recognition. Jesus had ultimate status, yet He came to serve.
Jesus served Mary and Martha as he wept with them and raised their brother Lazarus from the dead. Jesus served Zaccheus as He acknowledged him and went home with him the same day. Jesus served the woman taken in adultery as he stood for her amid her accusers. Jesus served the Samaritan women by his intentional meeting at the well. Jesus served both men and women. He healed the woman with the issue of blood with one touch and also raised Jarius’ daughter from the dead. And, just before His trial, scourging, and Crucifixion, Jesus washed the disciples’ feet. Jesus served.
We are called to serve no matter our accomplishments and achievements. Best-selling authors, politicians, actors, and Christian teachers and preachers are called to serve. We are not our own, but we are bought with the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice to save our souls so we might serve. Will you present yourself to serve the Lord?
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1
You, my friend, exhibit that giving heart!!
Thank you, I suppose I do some days but other days I’m still reluctant. The battle with this selfish flesh never ends.
Your message speaks both to those bginning a life of service and to those who are overwhelmed with projects to the point of exhaustion. Thankfully, Jesus also teaches us the seek rest and quiet time.
Katherine, I’m still learning to seek rest. Will I ever fully rest in this world? It seems I learn to rest and then life presents new challenges that overwhelm. Please pray as there is a misprint in my new book The Cross Donkey. I need to order customer copies and I’m stressed and anxious to get the problem resolved.
A book I read, “How to Lead Like Jesus” impacted my work, and really every area of my life. Jesus was the ultimate servant-leader.
Thanks for sharing your insight!