It is Well

Jan 10, 2025 | Christian Living | 7 comments

Free ship shipwreck sea illustration

Mom and I haven’t felt well lately. I assume the cause is a virus, and Mom also had a UTI. Recovery from the virus seemed final, but then I felt terrible again. Caregiving for a dementia patient is challenging, and feeling well is a mental and spiritual battle for both my mom and me.

No matter what we face in life, I’m sure one thing is well with us—it is well with our souls. I remember my mom’s conversion when I was eight years old and my conversion in my early twenties. Life has been challenging sometimes, but nothing can take away our security due to God’s saving power.

In 1876, Horatio Spafford wrote “It is Well With My Soul” after the ship S.S. Ville Du Havre sank and took the lives of his four daughters. The hymnist used water imagery to convey his feelings, such as peace like a river attendeth my way and sorrows like sea billows roll. Peace flows through a believer even when sorrow rolls in waves. Suffering and sorrow come, but God’s abiding peace stays us in the storm. Whatever our lot, whether sickness, disease, or loss, can be well with our soul.

Someday, our faith will end in sight, whether by death or Jesus’s return. Because my sins have been completely forgiven, not in part but the whole, I have salvation assurance. Jesus nailed my sins to the cross, and I bear them no more.

I’ve suffered because of my failures and circumstances, not my own making. Sorrow of the heart is hard, but I’m assured it is well with my soul because I remember the time when Jesus saved me and gave me His Spirit. I’m unsure where I’d be today without His saving grace, but I know where I’ll be for eternity.

May I ask if it is well with your soul?

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I Thessalonians 5:23


  1. Cissy Paul

    Great msg. I watched some news this morning , seen all the the devastation on earth. But I smiled knowing our lord is watching over me. So it is well with my soul!!!
    He’s got it. Love you

    • Lisa Robbins

      Knowing it’s well with our soul brings comfort in troubled times. He does have everything under control. Love you dear friend.

      • Lisa Robbins

        I’m sure thankful we can know all is well with our soul and that He has everything under control. Love you dear friend.

  2. Candyce Carden

    Your faith during this hard season of life is inspiring, Lisa. Isn’t it wonderful how God uses a song of praise to minister to us when we’re downhearted?!

    I’m praying for 2025 to be a blessed year for you. May your faith continue to be deepened.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Music is a powerful ministry tool. God knew we’s need to be uplifted and insprired through the pen of annnointed men and women. Deep sorrows produce a well-spring of words to comfort our hearts. Where was that sentence when I wrote, this devotion? Lol Thank you for your prayers, especially for a deeper faith.

  3. Katherine Pasour

    I remember when all was not well with my soul. I’m so thankful for our Lord’s gift of love, mercy, and salvation. I hope you are feeling better, Lisa.

    • Lisa Robbins

      I also remember when it wasn’t well with my soul. But thank God for the day I believed and surrendered. We are feeling much beter. Thank you, Katherine.


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