Summer is Ended

Sep 20, 2024 | Christian Living | 1 comment

Summer 2024 has ended. Lake days are over, the air is crisp, leaves are fading, and garden goods are harvested. Fall is my favorite season, but the last  season of this year causes me to ask, “How many souls have I won to the Lord in 2024?”

Jesus came to do the Father’s will. His years were filled with seeking and saving the lost. On one mission, Jesus traveled to Jacob’s well just outside Samaria.  He met a woman, told her all she’d ever done, and compelled her to drink His living water, never to thirst again. After drinking Jesus’ living water, she quickly ran into the city to tell others what Jesus had done for her. The fact Jesus knew her sin did not bring condemnation but had brought great excitement as she’d acknowledged Him as the promised Messiah.

Jesus Disciples had gone into the city for food and soon returned. They marveled that Jesus spoke with a half-breed woman, which was not typical for Jews. Yet, they didn’t ask any questions as to why. Preoccupied with eating, they urged Jesus to eat too, but He said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of (John 4:32). They asked each other if Jesus had already eaten. Jesus expressed His purpose to do the will of the one who had sent Him. He continued, “Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” Jesus finished His teaching by saying that some sow and others reap, but we’re all laborers together to win souls. 

Soul winning is a command for every believer. We are to go out into the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, or, in other words, we are to share the gospel with those in our community and beyond to invite them to know Jesus. The Great Commission commands us to teach and make disciples.

Like the disciples, I sometimes find myself too preoccupied with daily living rather than focusing on winning the lost. Jesus will seek and save people, but He often uses our voice to speak the gospel truth.

Summer is ended, how is your soul harvest for 2024?

The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.

Jeremiah 8:20

1 Comment

  1. Katherine Pasour

    Your message really spoke to me. Although I strive to be a good role model and to share the light of Jesus with others each day through my actions, I know I fall short in sharing the Gospel of Jesus verbally with others. Thank you for being an encourager, Lisa.


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