Path to Purpose

Sep 27, 2024 | Christian Living, Purpose | 2 comments

Queen Vashti & Esther

We are each fearfully and wonderfully made. God owned our innermost parts as we grew in our mother’s womb. His work to create each individual is marvelous! Made in secret, with substantial potential, God privately and curiously shapes humans to praise and serve Him, bringing glory due to His name.

We read of Abrahan, who was called to leave his homeland and travel to an unknown destination. His promised seed was born, though not in his expected time, to accomplish God’s plan to use his offspring to multiply his chosen earthly people. This seed flourished despite much opposition and times of captivity and bondage. God’s path to purpose was challenged but completed.

Due to committing murder, Moses fled Egypt, but God called him back at age eighty.  His purposed return to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage was daunting but possible nonetheless. His mother hid him for months, then sailed him down the crocodile-infested river in a bulrush basket to be rescued by Pharoah’s daughter for a divine purpose. Moses’s past made him the specific one to lead the exit out of Egypt for the Children of Israel to be completed.   

Joseph proclaimed his dream that his brothers would bow down to reverence him someday. This evoked jealousy that prompted his brothers to sell him into slavery. He was bought by seedy men and sold to King Pharoah’s servant, Potipher. While serving in Egypt, false accusations from Potiphar’s seductive wife landed Joseph in prison. To save his family from starvation during a severe drought, Joseph’s father, Jacob, sent his brothers to purchase corn from him. Joseph now served second only to Pharoah, and his brothers bowed down to him as he had dreamed. Joseph provided food and land for his family, sustaining God’s people. Like Joseph, the path to our divine dream may take a lot of unexpected twists and turns to be completed.

Years later, another person fulfilled her purpose while exiled in Babylonian captivity. The Jewish orphan Hadassah was taken to King Ahasuerus’s palace. There, she underwent purification, treatments, and teachings. She found favor with Hegai, the keeper of women. She also won the heart of King Ahasuerus to become his queen. Prince Haman’s hatred for Esther’s uncle Mordecai compelled him to write a decree ordering the Jews to be eradicated. Esther called a fast and carefully approached King Xerses. Through a progressive process, she appealed to her king. Haman was exposed and hanged. A decree was issued allowing Jews across the land to fight for their lives. God’s people fought and were spared. Esther was placed in the palace for God’s purpose of preserving His people to be completed.

In the last days, God will complete his final plan for His chosen people.

We witness God using people throughout the Bible. They often met many obstacles as God navigated their path. We, too, may experience problems. Sickness, financial difficulty, faith stretching, opposition from others, discouragement, and more may be faced as we walk our path to purpose. Rest assured, God’s work in us will be completed.

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

Philippians 1:6



  1. Katherine Pasour

    I’m so grateful He is with us through the trials and that He continues to mold and shape us into what He knows we can be. Thank you, Lisa, for this encouraging message.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Yes, where would we be without our Lord’s faithfulness? Katherine, Thank you for your kind comment.


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