Before Us

Aug 23, 2024 | Christian Living, Salvation | 5 comments

My sister Katrina gave birth to my niece Destiny in 1991. My mom loved her dearly, and Destiny spent much time with her during childhood. Now, thirty-three years later, my niece is helping me administer care to my elderly mother (though she’s temporally not caregiving due to a broken leg and ankle). Incredibly, God went before us to provide for our now! He also did this for another lady.

Jesus intentionally traveled through Samaria and stopped at Jacob’s well. The disciples left to look for food in the city while Jesus rested. Jesus arrived before the Samaritan woman because He had come to offer her living water to quench her thirsty soul. After a conversation, this lady realized who Jesus was and ran into the city to share her good news with others. She invited them to “Come, see a man, which told me everything I ever did: is not this the Christ?” (John 4:29).

There are many parallels between me and the Samaritan women. I’m laboring daily to serve my mother at times that are not typical. I’m finding myself isolated due to caregiving and because I can’t deal with criticism and drama from others. It proves to be more than I can emotionally handle.

This lady might have been drawing water at noon in the scorching sun to avoid other women who would have drawn later that evening. She’d been married five times and was living in fornication. Jesus knew it, yet he met her during her daily work. I’ve felt spiritually weak lately, so Satan has been taunting me over past sins and current failures. But as he accuses me, I’m learning to give all my past, present, and future to Jesus, who knows everything about me. I may feel condemnation from others, but not from my Savior, who loves me unconditionally.

Like the woman at the well, I’ve encountered Jesus and drank His water, which quenches my thirsty soul. My worship is more personal and private than before this season of caregiving. I’m privileged to worship Jesus based on who He is rather than on my circumstances and trials. The truth is Jesus is always worthy of worship. As God molds me, I pray for complete surrender to His will, compelling love for others, and a stronger desire to invite others to…..

Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

John 4:29

Ladies, are you spiritually thirsty? If so, I invite you to seek Jesus, who offers living water to all who believe.


  1. Katherine Pasour

    Your message is poignant, yet uplifting. It’s wonderfully inspiring that you can find hope thrugh God’s word to help you through this challenging season. While everyone’s caregiving experience is different, I think those of us who are believers recognize that we need our Lord’s presence to get us through each day. Praying for you, Lisa.

    • Lisa Robbins

      I definately need the Lord’s presence, strength, and grace during this season of caregiving. Thanks for your prayers Katherine.

  2. Carol Jeffers

    Lisa I really enjoyed this devotion. I miss you and our long talks about our Jesus and our lives. You are one of the strongest women Ive ever met. I love you and pray for you . Im here if you need me. Love you Carol Jeffers

  3. Candyce Carden

    “God went before us to provide for our now!” Oh, how this resonates with with. Time and time again, I’ve seen this played out in my life and in the lives of my family and friends.

    • Lisa Robbins

      God is so good. He knows every trial we will face and
      starts providing way before we even know what we will need!


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