Appreciate the Pretty

Aug 2, 2024 | Christian Living, Salvation | 6 comments

Mom’s pretty pink Gladiolas bloomed a few weeks ago. The first blooms appeared on June 20 th followed by three full blooms the next day. The third day brought five blooms, and the fourth brought seven flowers, reminding me of God’s grace.

God created this earth filled with wonder. Beautiful flowers in spring and colorful leaves in fall are displayed for our appreciation. Majestic mountain peaks and lush, green valleys remind us of God, who can move mountains yet leads us through valleys to produce the growth He desires in us. Plants that survive the arid desert conditions prompt us to remember we grow in our wilderness experience. Rain repeats our need for God’s Spirit to refresh us when dried by the harsh evil of this worldly system—rain and snow water the earth, bringing buds, blossoms, and blooms. God’s word does the same as truth is sent to accomplish God’s will. His word waters our hearts to grow and works for God’s glory. We are reminded to plant the seeds of faith by sharing God’s word with others. Spiritual fruit comes forth, such as salvation and sanctification.

Nature teaches humans of God’s everlasting existence by displaying His splendid handiwork. We’re blessed with much gospel teaching in America, yet many groups in remote locations have not heard the gospel. Perhaps observing the world around them leads them to believe that creation does not exist apart from the almighty God.

Ladies, let’s appreciate the pretty and remember the purpose.

Because that which may be know of God is manifest in them, for God hath shewed it unto them.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Romans 1:19 and 20





  1. Candyce

    We can know God through nature. I truly believe that. Hope your mom is enjoying God’s flowers!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thank you Candyce. She hasn’t enjoyed them as much this year as her mental state is declining. I’ll treasue this gladiola for years to come.

  2. Angela Scheffel Garvin

    I especially LOVE this post! Well done and Well said!!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Angela, thank you so much. I suppose we meed reminders of God’s beautiful creation.

  3. Katherine Pasour

    Nature shares so many gifts with us–beautiful flowers are one gift that sends many blessings. I learn so many lessons from nature on a daily basis. You’ve shared a lovely and inspiring post. Thank you, Lisa.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Katherine, I enjoy your Facebook nature posts. Your love of flowers and horses are calming to the soul.


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