Granting Grace

Jul 19, 2024 | Christian Living | 4 comments

I recently dealt with conflict incorrectly because I didn’t give grace.

I’d let caring for Mom and living daily life overwhelm me. I failed to communicate and set proper boundaries in another area of my life, causing misunderstandings. Another person’s error caused me frustration, and I did not give grace. The tables turned, and I saw my mistake. Why is it that we humans expect God to give us grace but fail to show this grace to others?

Jesus speaks a parable in chapter Matthew 18. The Kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king who took account of his servants. One servant owed him ten thousand talents. He had no money to pay, and his lord commanded him and his family to be sold for payment. The servant fell and worshipped his lord, who had compassion and forgave him his debt. This same servant sought out a fellow servant who owed him one hundred pence. He laid hands on him, took him by the throat, demanded payment, and cast him into prison. His lord called him wicked, questioned his lack of compassion, and delivered him to the tormentors.

We are forgiven and commanded to forgive. God has bestowed abundant grace upon us, and we can do the same for others. All humans fall short, err, and sin. I hope my lesson is learned, and I’ll grant more grace to others as the Lord does for me.

And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. I Timothy 1:14



  1. Katherine Pasour

    I’ve fallen short on giving grace, too. It’s a painful recognition, but I’m thankful for our Father’s grace–and for His loving example. We learn from these mistakes and keep trying. Praying for you in this season

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thank you for expressing that you relate and for your prayers. It is a painful recognition of ourselves, isn’t it?

  2. Candyce Carden

    God teaches and molds us as we go through the lifelong process of growing more and more like Him. You must also give yourself grace as well. God knows the stress you are under.

    You may have fallen short, but you learned from the experience, and that’s what matters.
    Prayers for you and your family.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Candyce, thank you. I needed these affirming words. Failing can make me feel like a permanent failure. I must accept forgiveness from God and others and I need to forgive myself.


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