God Gives the Increase

Jul 12, 2024 | Christian Living | 4 comments

I taught three-and four-year-olds at VBS last month. I’d taught this age when I was much younger but nearing sixty certainly made this task more challenging.  The first day we had ten littles and by the end of the week we had eighteen little souls. We were the smallest class, in age and number, but God doesn’t measure His work by numbers.

In Acts chapter eight, we read that the Apostle Philip was led of the Lord to leave Jerusalem, where ministry was multiplying, to witness to one Ethiopian searching for answers. Philip preached. This man believed and was immediately baptized. I often wonder how many souls were reached as this Ethiopian shared his testimony among His people. Perhaps more seeds were planted and more souls were won in Ethiopia than we might imagine. Planting seed in one soul might lead to salvation for many.

I pray my littles left with seeds of truth, salvation, and love. Sweet little twins Emma and Rylee Milashus relayed to their parents that “Jesus Saves” and wanted to listen to Jesus Loves Me while they fell asleep. Seed was planted. I’m praying this seed grows to produce servants for Jesus Christ. Many salvations may result from planted seeds in tiny hearts.

I was honored to plant seed with unseen results. Philip led the Ethiopian to Christ where he witnessed salvation. Both are important. Much watering takes place between these two works. No matter who does the work all glory belongs to God.

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

I Corinthians 3:6





  1. Candyce Carden

    Yes, all the glory belongs to God. But I’m glad for the little part of it which He encourages me have as I sow seeds or water seeds already planted.

    Thanks, Lisa!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thanks for your response Candyce. Your kind and encouraging words mean so much.

  2. Katherine Pasour

    Thank you for serving our Lord by teaching and caring for His children at Bible School. Eighteen “littles” are a LOT! May God bless them and you on your journey of service. Each step we take in nurturing our children is guided by Him and He blesses our efforts.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Katherine, I think I discovered I’m too old to handle this age. LOL


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