Loose End Living

May 31, 2024 | Christian Living | 4 comments

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Loose ends constantly hang in my mind. Mom’s prescription refills, Mom’s shower, Mom’s safety, Mom’s appointments, writing new manuscripts and devotions, business building, church attendance, praying, Bible reading, messy house, lessons to teach, and family connection time are a few things I seek to tie on a regular basis, but not necessarily in that order.

Most women would like to box up every task and responsibility, wrap them in pretty paper, and tie life tasks with the perfect bow, yet that never happens. Something is always left loose.

Our husbands need affirmation. Our kids need love and discipleship, spiritual and social training, school clothes and supplies, reassurance, and more. The house continues to cry for cleaning from the clutter, meals must be managed, and our careers call us to constantly fulfill our duties, all while we fight to keep our spiritual life front and center.

It appears Martha could relate, though she lived 2,000 years ago. Jesus was coming to visit, and preparations needed to be made. I can envision her sweeping, scrubbing, making dough, and possibly cleaning fish to prepare for her Lord’s visit. After all, didn’t her master deserve her best? No loose-end living would be acceptable.

Jesus arrived. Martha’s sister Mary didn’t help her with her cumbersome serving but sat at the feet of Jesus. Martha asks Jesus to bid Mary to help.

And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou are careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. Luke 10:41 and 42

Like Martha, our many tasks will never be complete, but choosing the needful part-time with Jesus is good and can never be taken away. Now, that’s the way to tie our loose-end lives. First, sit with Jesus, then strive to wrap our daily tasks. That might merit boxing our lives and tying them with a bright red bow!

O LORD, truly I am thy servant, I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid: thou hast loosed my bonds. Psalm 116:16 


  1. Katherine Pasour

    Your message speaks to all women and I especially identify with it today. Thanks for reminding us that we’re not alone on this busy journey of life–AND the solution to managing our busy schedule is to seek our Lord’s companionship and guidance FIRST. Thank you, Lisa.

    • Lisa Robbins

      I find this to be my biggest struggle. This post was a reminder mostly for me. Katherine,Thanks for your comment.

  2. Candyce Carden

    I’ve always identified with Martha in this passage although I’m striving to become more Mary-like. We have to realize that richer activities with loved ones means letting loose ends dangle for a while. My daughters are teaching me this as they raise their little ones.

    • Lisa Robbins

      My daughter is also teaching me to leave loose ends and enjoy the important moments. Millenial moms are more intentional than I was while raising my children. I suppose much can be learned from each generation.


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