More than Enough

May 24, 2024 | Christian Living, Salvation, Sinner | 6 comments

The drive for Mom had been successful. Several months ago, our daughter Brittany created a wish list for Mom on Amazon and shared it with her friends and family. Mom received hygiene items, toiletries, and snacks that lasted for months. Everyone’s generosity moved us, so we sent thank-you cards and created Facebook posts to show appreciation. The drive was over, so we thought.

A kind male friend of Brittany’s contacted her a few days ago to see what we needed. I requested Depends because we are changing companies that provide them, and our supply is low. A few days later, we received our much-needed item. Two hours later, another Amazon box marked heavy appeared on our porch.

I opened it to find shampoo we were almost out of, body wash that needed replenishing, and disinfectant wipes that were nearly depleted. Coffee was included and is always desired. I would have asked for what we got if I had requested more necessary items. My eyes welled with tears as God’s presence enveloped me. JP had sent more than enough.

I was reminded that God has more than enough of everything we need. His mercy and compassion don’t come in a one-time dose. His mercy is new every morning, and his compassions never fail. His faithfulness is great or countless, excessive, and boundless (Lamentations 3:22 and 23).

There is no greater love than the love God gives (John 15:13). His love is so far-reaching that it caused God to sacrifice His Son Jesus to save a world of sinners (John 3:16). Once we believe in Jesus Christ, we will receive eternal life, or life without end (John 3:15). I think we can conclude that God’s love is more than enough to save and keep us.

I’ve hardly highlighted all the blessings God gives believers. His spiritual blessings are given as if we were already in Heaven. Oh, the day when all will be consummated as we’ll physically set in His presence. We are already there spiritually, but our earthly minds fail to comprehend God is more than enough to save, satisfy, and keep our souls.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Ephesians 1:3







  1. Katherine Pasour

    Friends and family are a gift from God. It’s wonderful how He lets them know when we need help. Thank you for this reminder of the depth of God’s love for His people.

    • Lisa Robbins

      I’m encouraged by all the help, love, and support we have received. Congradulations sweet lady, you have now published two books and you have a new hubby!I’m so happy for you.

  2. Candyce Carden

    Great lesson here. God always provides more than enough. I’m thankful for the support and help you have received from family and friends. Just like with God, all we have to do is ask. Why do so many of us have trouble asking for help?

    • Lisa Robbins

      Candyce, I wouldn’t have asked but my daughter did, which turned into a huge blessings. I’ve been encouraged by my family, friends, and community. They have made this journey more managable.

  3. Ally Compton

    This touched my heart. When you mentioned they sent more than you asked for, I wonder why we don’t ask God for more. We know He can (and will) supply it. Why we do we only ask for the small things when He can do exceeding, abundantly above!!

    • Lisa Robbins

      Ally, thanks for raising the question, Why dont we ask God for more? He can do exceeding abundandly above our asking. I’m going to apply this to my pusblishing persuits. I love you sweet lady. Your walk with Jesus imspires me.


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