God is Faithful

Dec 29, 2023 | Blessings | 4 comments

2023 is ending and I have much to reflect upon. God has moved mightily in our lives this year. My year in review gives me much to record.

First God’s goodness, mercy, and grace far exceed what I deserve. New commitments have stretched my faith and trust in my Lord to a new degree. At the beginning of this year, Mom’s declining mental capacity required daily care. I had Power of Attorney without constant sibling support. Saying this situation was overwhelming might be an understatement.

Jesus called me to care for Mom and to stop chasing my dream to publish. I fearfully surrendered. Moving Mom into our home in April ended my empty nest living and, I thought, my dreams to publish. Downsizing and modifications were required and thanks to my daughter Courtney and my son-in-law Kyle those tasks were completed. My niece Destiny Wilborn is mom’s other caregiver which gives me space to work and get away with my husband Michael. Dementia is a devastating disease for the patient and for the family, but God has faithfully seen us through 2023.

May brought a pleasant surprise with my Christmas picture book Whose Manger is This?. Elk Lake Publishing Inc. sent me a contract to publish by October which is miraculous in the publishing world! I quickly found and signed a contract with the talented illustrator Tatiana Kochan and God, who is faithful to His work, brought this book to its release on Oct. 14, 2023. The support I’ve received with sales, signings, and kind words of encouragement are credited to God’s faithfulness.

My sweet seven-year-old granddaughter Anna chose to follow Jesus as her Savior and was Baptized in September. I continually pray for the salvation of my family and grandchildren which is my greatest heart’s desire. We had family photos taken by Lexi Wright Williams, of Alexis Caroline Photography, which left us with sweet images to cherish for years. God is faithful to my family.

God is faithful in times of fear, times of challenge, and times of blessing. God is faithful. Period.

I will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.

Psalm 89:1



  1. Candyce Carden

    What a wonderful year you’ve had. It’s a testimony to the power of obeying God. You inspire me, Lisa!

    • Lisa Robbins

      God is amazing and worthy of all praise! Candyce, I’m encourgaged that you received inspiration.

  2. Katherine Pasour

    What an amazing year you have had, Lisa, and a wonderful testimony of God’s faithfulness. Your loving care of you mother is an inspiration for all of us. I love your family photo. I shared your book, Whose Manger Is This? for a children’s message at church just before Christmas–they loved it (adults, too). Wishing you a healthy, happy, and blessed 2024.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thank you for sharing my book at your church Katherine and for using it to write one of your December blogs. Have a happy and blessed 2024 also!


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