Sweet and Powerful

Aug 4, 2023 | Salvation | 4 comments

My brother recently brought my mom some Georgia peaches that weren’t so sweet, so she refused to eat them. If they’d been sweet, she would’ve eaten them all, because it is her favorite fruit. A sweet Georgia peach on an August day evokes yummy goodness for most people!

            Peaches are an excellent source of plentiful amounts of ten vitamins, five minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Centuries ago, Europeans often shared their bountiful peach crop.  The giver was nicknamed a “real peach.” The expressions feeling “peachy” or “peachy keen” refers to the receivers who donned a happy, rosy glow when eating this power-packed, sweet treat.        

            Something else that is sweet is a good night’s sleep. The one thing that ensures sweet sleep is knowing Jesus. Our soul finds peace when we believe in His finished work and our souls are saved. Sound rest occurs when our sleep is uninterrupted by fear and anxiety but instead filled with full reliance on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Only in this state of sleep can we awake feeling “peachy” with renewed energy to start our day.

            Like peaches provide vitamins and nutrients for a powerful physical food source Jesus provides all the power we need for daily spiritual living. He provides peace that passes all understanding and joy unspeakable and full of glory.  Jesus gives sufficient grace, abundant mercy, and unending love to all who taste the sweet fruit of salvation. We have these blessings and many more in Christ Jesus.

I’m thankful Jesus freely gives bountiful blessings. He is a “real Savior” that makes this receiver feel “real blessed”.  Salvation in Jesus evokes sweet sleep and powerful living for God’s people. Are you one of those people?

When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.

Proverbs 3:24


  1. Katherine Pasour

    There’s nothing better than a fresh, sweet peach. On the other hand, it’s terrible to be expecting that delicious peachy state and discover that the fruit is bitter or has no taste. Thankfully, we always can depend on Jesus to be what we expect–loving, kind, merciful–our Savior who gave His all for us. Thank you for your timely and inspiring message, Lisa.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Katerine, I’m thankful that Jesus is our loving, kind, and merciful! He most certainly is a sweet Savior!Thank you for your comments.

  2. Candyce Carden

    I loved this being a Georgia peach myself. Sorry you got some sour ones, but that happens. Someone told me too much rainfall will cause that proving “too much of a good thing” can be harmful. At my age, nothing is sweeter than good sleep.

    Sweet post!

    • Lisa Robbins

      My age probobaly prompted the thought of good sleep! Candyace, thanks for your sweet comments!


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