Let Freedom Ring

Jul 7, 2023 | Blood, Christian Living, Salvation | 2 comments


Our friend Len Murphy recently rang the bell to celebrate his cancer-free diagnosis. Several rounds of Chemotherapy were administered to grant Len freedom for this rite of passage. His cancer diagnosis proved life-changing, but thankfully more days have been granted due to available treatment.

50 percent of people will experience some form of cancer in their lifetime. We, humans, are constantly producing new cells that can possibly contain damaged DNA. With a genetic disposition for changes in genes that control the way cells grow and multiply cancer can develop.  The risk of developing cancer increases with age, but we are all born with this painful potential. None of us desire to hear the six-letter C word, but thankfully modern medicine offers treatment to increase a patient’s life span.  

One disease all humans are diagnosed with is sin. After the similitude of Adam, we are born sinners. Disobedience is natural to all fallen people pulling us toward fleshly lusts striving to fulfill the void in our dead souls. Due to this pursuit many fall prey to illicit lifestyles of sexual perversion, alcohol and drug addiction, and the relentless pursuit of success. Pleasure can be found in these worldly pursuits but the sinful soul will continue to search for life-sustaining satisfaction.

Cancer can’t be cured but the disease of sin has a known cure. We can find relief in the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ.

I don’t speak from experience to the disease of cancer, but I do speak from experience on what it means to be diseased with sin. I was a liar full of pride and selfishness. Faith illuded me as I felt the need to help God cure my sinful soul. Realizing nothing outside of God’s saving grace would cure me, I finally surrendered to Jesus. I’m now covered by Jesus’ blood. Sin is present in my flesh but the Holy Spirit who resides in me cannot sin. He keeps me and will ensure my eternal home in Heaven.  

Like Len rang the Cancer Free Bell, I’d like to ring the Salvation Bell sounding out my freedom from the disease of sin.  I’ve been set free from the controlling power of sin over me. Thank God for His saving grace. Can you ring the freedom bell? If not Jesus is the cure. 

For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law but under grace.  Romans 6:14



  1. Candyce

    I love the comparison of ringing the salvation bell with ringing the cancer free bell.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thank you Candyce.


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