Fixed for Free

Jun 30, 2023 | Salvation | 6 comments

Free Car Dashboard photo and picture

I was happily heading to Knoxville. My warning light came on for my left front tire-the pressure was low. I stopped at a local business to get air but noticed a shard of metal in my tire. God had allowed me to park in order to expose the problem. A technician fixed the puncture from a screw, for free, insuring my safe travel to my destination.

     My destination was only one day’s journey, but we all have a final destination that will last throughout eternity. God is sending a warning to expose our sinful condition. He sends the gospel through preachers, teachers, and pastors, and by the reading of His Scripture. The gospel reveals our problem. In Romans chapter five we find that because Adam committed the sin of disobedience all humans are born in a sinful state.

     Jesus shed his blood on the cross to cover our sins. We can’t pay for the repair it takes to ensure our eternal home in Heaven, but Jesus paid the full price. Our destination depends on our receipt of His free gift.

     I took action when warned, saw the problem, and acknowledged God’s provision for my safety. Accepting the free gift of service I left blessed and able to reach my destination. But greater still I’ve responded to God’s warning, acknowledged my condition as a sinner, and believed in Jesus Christ. I’m headed to Heaven for my eternal destination.

     Someday we’ll take an eternal trip to our final destination-Heaven or Hell. The warning light is on; Jesus will fix your sin problem for free if you believe.  

Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. Romans 5:18 



  1. Angela Garvin

    I love that……”fixed for free.”
    Glad you received that from the car technician and from your Savior as well‼️❤️

    • Lisa Robbins

      Angela, I’m thankful for free when fixing tires or my sinful state!

  2. Katherine Pasour

    “The warning light is on…” I like that, Lisa, and your message is so timely. Thank you for sharing. We are so blessed when God guides us to those who help fix our automobile and travel issues.

    • Lisa Robbins

      Katherine, that day was a testimony of God’s protection and provision just like the day of my salvation. And the warning light is on…
      Thanks for commenting.

  3. Candyce Carden

    What a crisp analogy! It’s direct and to the point and packs a punch! Love the way you end it:

    “Someday we’ll take an eternal trip to our final destination-Heaven or Hell. The warning light is on; Jesus will fix your sin problem for free if you believe.”

    • Lisa Robbins

      Thank you Candyce for your encouraging critique! Today was a good day to read your response.


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